How overdue payments work

Information about overdue cases can be found in your Mintos account, where we’ll update you about the ongoing cases. On the same page, you can also find a monthly summary of the recovery of each case. Most overdue cases are due to temporary issues such as additional checks by the banks executing the payment. The […]

Everything you want to know about: Pending payments

In a perfect world, money could be moved in moments and investors would receive their repayments instantly. Unfortunately, instant settlement¹ is not always possible for multiple reasons. Money transfers – especially international transfers – take time, and on the Mintos platform, this is reflected by assigning the payment “pending” status to a loan. In this […]

Revisited: Is it the loan performance or lending company that matters?

Updated 03 Dec 2020 With an unparalleled number of loans originated by many different lending companies around the world, the Mintos marketplace provides a great way to build a very well-diversified investment portfolio of loans. While diversification is the most important component for reaching long-range financial goals whilst also minimising risk, the question remains – […]

We are renaming buyback guarantee to buyback obligation

At the very beginning of Mintos, we considered several names for the commitment from the lending companies to buy back loans in case of a borrower default. Eventually, the term “buyback guarantee” was chosen as we considered it a widely used legal term, understandable to all involved parties. 

How we deal with Loan Originator issues and recovery of investor funds

In our previous article on due diligence, we explained the checks and vetting processes we carry out on Loan Originators and their loans – before and after joining the Mintos platform – to ensure they meet the highest standards of responsible, compliant and sustainable operations. Even with our careful precautions and high demands on their […]

Our due diligence process for onboarding Loan Originators

Before a Loan Originator can offer loans on Mintos, we carry out a series of due diligence reviews and checks to find out if they’re suitable for our platform. These checks are the most important aspect of our onboarding process for new Loan Originators, since many investors measure risk based on knowledge of previous loan […]