Invest in Smart Cash
Earn up to 2.75% interest on your cash¹
Your cash earns more with Mintos Smart Cash. Enjoy the flexibility and peace of mind without leaving money on the table.
Managed by
High interest rate
Get the most out of your cash with up to 2.75% interest.¹Maximum flexibility
Withdraw your money anytime, on the same day. No fees or penalties.Low risk investment
Invest in a fund with the highest rating managed by BlackRock.²
Up to 2.75%
Better than money in the bank
Don’t leave money on the table: Overnight bank deposits offer very low returns³ compared to the current interest rate environment. With Mintos Smart Cash, you can optimize returns from your cash and earn up to 2.75% interest.¹ Great for people who like to hold cash without losing out on return potential.
No strings attached
Withdraw your money same-day, with no fees or penalties. Whether you’re parking money in the short term, building an emergency fund, or keeping your wealth in cash as a long-term lifestyle choice, Mintos Smart Cash provides the flexibility you need.
Put your money in safe hands
Your money will only be invested in a low-volatility and highly liquid money market fund with the highest rating. This fund invests in fixed-income securities like bonds, money market instruments, and bank deposits with high credit quality.
Managed by
Earn more with Mintos Smart Cash
Earn up to 2.75% interest on your cash, no strings attached.¹FAQ
What is Smart Cash?
How safe is investing in Smart Cash?
How is interest in Smart Cash calculated?
How does Mintos Smart Cash compare to fixed-term deposits?
What are the fees related to Smart Cash?
How often is Smart Cash interest paid out?
How long does it take to withdraw money from Mintos Smart Cash?