Latest Notes additions to Mintos

As new Notes are constantly being added to the Mintos platform, we’ve created a short overview where you can see which lending company’s Notes have launched so far.

You can find out more about these investment opportunities with the linked base prospectuses that have been prepared in accordance with Prospectus Regulation and approved by the Financial and Capital Market Commission.

23 July 2024

On 23 July, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:


Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for Base Prospectus

17 June 2024

On 17 June, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:

Jet Finance Kazakhstan (LLP “MFO “Mogo Kazakhstan”)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for Base Prospectus

10 June 2024

On 10 June, announcements for the base prospectus were published for:

Eleving Group Latvia (AS “mogo”)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for Base Prospectus

10 June 2024

On 10 June, announcements for the base prospectus were published for:

Eleving Group Estonia (Primero Finance OÜ)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for Base Prospectus

18 March 2024

On 18 March, a base prospectus supplement was published for:

Esto EE ( ESTO AS)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Base Prospectus Supplement

13 March 2024

On 13 March, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:


Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

12 March 2024

On 12 March, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:

Pinjam Yuk (HYPA MIND PTE. LTD.)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

24 January 2024

On 24 January, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for EUR Notes for:

IDF Eurasia (MFO FintechFinance LLP)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

24 January 2024

On 24 January, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for KZT Notes for:

IDF Eurasia Kazakhstan (MFO FintechFinance LLP)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

11 December 2023

On 11 December, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Credifiel Mexico (Publiseg, SAPI de CV SOFOM ENR)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

10 November 2023

On 10 November, a base prospectus supplement was published for EUR Notes for:

IDF Eurasia Kazakhstan (MFO FintechFinance LLP)

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Base prospectus supplement

With this supplement, information on the guarantee/s, the Guarantor, and the Guarantee Agreement was removed from the base prospectus. A definition of these terms can be found in the prospectus. The changes become effective with the publishing of the supplement and apply to newly listed EUR Notes. Previously listed Notes are not affected.

14 September 2023

On 14 September , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Eleving Group Romania ( Mogo IFN S.A.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

14 September 2023

On 14 September , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Eleving Group Moldova ( O.C.N. Mogo Loans S.R.L.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

28 June 2023

On 28 June , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Eleving Group Lithuania (UAB mogo LT)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

24 May 2023

On 24 May , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Everest Finanse Poland ( Everest Finanse Spółka Akcyjna)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

22 May 2023

On 22 May, a base prospectus supplement was published for:

Eleving Armenia ( “MOGO” Universal Credit Organization Limited Liability Company)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Base Prospectus Supplement

18 May 2023

On 18 May , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Finclusion Kenya ( TrustGro Sca Limited)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

13 January 2023

On 13 January , an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Watu Credit Uganda (Watu Credit Uganda Limited)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

9 January 2023

On 9 January, Notes became available for:

Eleving Latvia Rental Company (AS Renti)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 

28 November 2022

On 28 November, Notes became available for:

Planet42 South Africa (Inclusion South Africa (Pty) Ltd)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 

17 November 2022

On 17 November, Notes became available for:

Eleving Group Armenia (“Mogo” Universal Credit Organization LLC)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 

14 November 2022

On 14 November, Notes became available for:

Credius Romania (Credius IFN S.A.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 

8 November 2022

On 8 November, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:  

Jet Finance Kazahkstan ( LLP “MFO “Mogo Kazakhstan”)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

31 October 2022

On 31 October, a base prospectus supplement was published for:

Eleving Group Estonia (mogo OÜ)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Base Prospectus Supplement

27 October 2022

As of 27 October 2022, the pledge was registered under the new Mintos investment firm structure for Placet Lithuania (Nordecum UAB) . Following the pledge registration, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 5.

25 October 2022

As of 25 October 2022, the establishment of the master trust account for investors in the Notes setup was finalized for Go Credit Mexico (Monto Facil, S.A.P.I. de C.V. SOFOM E.N.R.) .Following the registration, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 8.

19 October 2022

On 19 October, Notes for another lending company became available:

CAPEM Mexico (Grupo Olinx S.A.P.I. DE CV SOFOM ENR)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

7 October 2022

As of 7 October 2022, the pledge was registered under the new Mintos investment firm structure for Eleving Georgia (Mogo LLC). Following the pledge registration, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 5.

5 October 2022

As of 5 October 2022, the pledge was registered under the new Mintos investment firm structure for Sun Finance Kazakhstan (LLP “MFO Sofi Finance” and LLP “MFO Creditum”). Following the pledge registration, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 5.

4 October 2022

As of 4 October 2022, the pledge was registered under the new Mintos investment firm structure for Zenka. Following the pledge registration, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 5.

21 September 2022

On 21 September, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for: 

Everest Poland (Everest Finanse S.A.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 
| Announcement for base prospectus

8 September 2022

On 8 September, Notes for another lending company became available:

Base prospectus | Key Information Document

2 September 2022

On 2 September, Notes for another lending company became available:

Credifiel Mexico (Publiseg, SAPI de CV SOFOM ENR)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

31 August 2022

On 31 August, Notes for another lending company became available:

Mozipo Romania (Mozipo IFN S.A.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

30 August 2022

On 30 August, Notes in KZT became available for

IDF Eurasia Kazakhstan (MFO OnlineKazFinance LLP)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

24 August 2022

On 24 August, Notes for another lending company became available:

Iute Credit Moldova (O.C.N IUTE CREDIT S.R.L.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

22 August 2022

On 22 August, Notes in KZT became available for

IDF Eurasia Kazakhstan (MFO FintechFinance LLP)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

18 August 2022

On 18 August, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for: 

Eleving Group Moldova (Sebo)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document 
| Announcement for base prospectus

11 August 2022

On 11 August, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for: 

Everest Poland (Everest Finanse S.A.)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document
 | Announcement for base prospectus

Notes for another lending company became available:

Mozipo Lithuania (UAB “Moment Credit”)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

4 August 2022

On 4 August, Notes for another lending company became available:

IuteCredit Albania (IuteCredit Albania SHA)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

3 August 2022

On 3 August, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for: 

ExpressCredit Botswana (ExpressCredit (Proprietary) Limited)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

29 July 2022

On 29 July, Notes for another lending company became available:

27 July 2022

On 27 July, the first Notes in KZT became available

GFM Kazakhstan (TOO MFO GoldFinMarket)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

19 July 2022

On 19 July, 2 more lending company’s Notes became available:

18 July 2022

On 18 July, 3 more lending company’s Notes became available:

15 July 2022

Impact of the pledge registration on the Cooperation Structure subscore

Currently, we’re collaborating with a number of lending companies to fulfill all requirements needed for their loans to be eligible for investing on Mintos in the Notes setup. The work is mostly related to the registration of the pledge under the new Mintos investment firm structure. This requirement directly impacts the Cooperation Structure subscore for loans from a specific lending company. Because of this, the mentioned subscore is expected to change for loans from a number of lending companies in the upcoming period, based on the closure of the ongoing processes. In some cases, a change in the subscore might cause a change in the Mintos Risk Score.

In the upcoming period, we expect changes for Eleving Georgia, Eleving Lithuania, GoCredit, IDF Eurasia, Watu Credit Uganda, and Zenka. We will notify you in these updates about all ongoing changes.

As of 15 July 2022, the pledge was registered under the new Mintos investment firm structure for Conmigo Vales and Financiera Contigo. The changes made on the platform are:

  • For Conmigo Vales, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 5, with a resulting upgrade of the Mintos Risk Score to 6.
  • For Financiera Contigo, the Cooperation Structure subscore is upgraded to 4.

On 15 July, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:

Finclusion KE ( TrustGro Sca Limited)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

Notes for another 2 more lending company’s became available:

14 July 2022

On 14 July, an announcement for the base prospectus was published for:

Notes for another lending company became available:

Mogo Lithuania (UAB mogo LT)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

12 July 2022

On 12 July, 2 more lending company’s Notes became available:

Notes in KZT coming soon

8 July 2022

On 8 July, 2 more lending company’s Notes became available:

An announcement for the base prospectus was published for:

Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

6 July 2022

On 6 July, Notes for another lending company became available:

MikroKapital Romania (MIKRO KAPITAL IFN SA)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

5 July 2022

On 5 July, Notes for another lending company became available:

LF TECH KZ ( “Microfinance organization “Lending and Financy technologies” LLP)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

28 June 2022

On 28 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

Creditstar Finland (Creditstar Group AS)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document | Announcement for base prospectus

22 June 2022

On 22 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

Creditstar Estonia (Monefit Estonia OÜ)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

20 June 2022

On 20 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

Esto Estonia (ESTO AS)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

16 June 2022

On 16 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

Dinerito Mexico (Dinerito Audaz)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

10 June 2022

On 10 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

Novaloans (Novaloans Limited)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

9 June 2022

On 9 June, Notes for another lending company became available:

GFM Kazakhstan (TOO MFO GoldFinMarket)
Base prospectus | Key Information Document

2 June 2022

On 2 June, 2 more lending company’s Notes became available:

31 May 2022

On 31 May, 4 more lending company’s Notes became available:

Notes available on launch day

On 25 May, when Notes first launched on Mintos, Notes were made available for:

And over the next days, we added Notes for: 

Want to know more about Notes?

No question is left unanswered! If you’re just getting started with Notes, you can begin by reading the must-have information. You can also get insight into how Notes are created and discover the transparency benefits of the Mintos Notes base prospectuses. Or learn about the transition period from claims to Notes, take a deep dive into taxation, find out about the changes to the Secondary Market, and other general questions from investors in the Mintos Investor Q&A. Then, for anything not covered here, you can visit our dedicated Notes Help page.

Still curious to learn more? You’re welcome to share your questions in the Notes thread on the Mintos Community.

Table of Contents