Best low risk investments for 2024

The 2024 investment landscape presents a clear imperative: to select investment vehicles that mitigate risk without sidelining potential gains. Amidst a backdrop of economic shifts and interest rate uncertainties, investors are prompted to recalibrate their portfolios with a blend of stability and growth.

We delve into an array of investments that stand out as the best low-risk options for the forthcoming year. If you’re searching for the best investments for 2024, the following selections cater to a spectrum of financial goals and risk appetites, ensuring a prosperous year ahead:

1. High-interest savings accounts

High-interest savings accounts are a type of bank account that pays higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts. Ideal for emergency funds or short-term savings, they combine security with a modest yield.

Pro: Accessibility and liquidity. Funds can be withdrawn at any time without penalties, making it a highly flexible option for investors.

Con: While offering higher interest rates than regular savings accounts, the returns may still lag behind those of more aggressive investment vehicles.

2. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

ETFs are like baskets of various investments — stocks, bonds, or commodities — that you can buy and sell on stock exchanges just like individual stocks. They offer a way to invest in a wide range of assets, making them a popular choice for diversification.

Pro: Diversification reduces the risk of significant losses, and the liquidity of ETFs allows for easy buying and selling.

Con: Some ETFs may come with higher expense ratios, and there’s the potential for market fluctuation.

3. Fixed-term deposits

Fixed-term deposits place your money in a bank for a specific period. They offer a guaranteed interest rate, aligning well with strategies for long-term investments by providing stable, predictable returns.

Pro: Secure, predictable returns over the deposit term.

Con: Limited access to your funds without penalty until the term ends. Vulnerable to inflation and central bank interest rate changes.

4. Government bonds

Government bonds are loans to the government, returning periodic interest payments and the bond’s face value at maturity. They are fundamental to risk diversification strategies, offering a low-risk income stream.

Pro: Highly secure with predictable income.

Con: Lower yield compared to riskier assets. Vulnerable to inflation and central bank interest rate changes.

5. Investment-grade bonds

Investment-grade corporate bonds are debt securities issued by companies with a high credit rating, signaling lower risk of default. By investing in these bonds, you’re lending money to financially stable corporations in exchange for periodic interest payments and the return of the principal when the bond matures. These bonds are a preferred choice for investors seeking to enhance yield without significantly increasing risk.

Pro: Provide higher yields than government bonds, backed by the financial strength of reputable companies.

Con: While safer than lower-grade bonds, they still carry a higher risk compared to government securities and are sensitive to inflation and shifts in central bank interest rates.

6. Money market funds

Money Market Funds invest in short-term, high-quality debt securities. They aim to offer high liquidity with a very low level of risk, making them suitable for investors seeking a safe place to park cash while earning a return that’s typically higher than that of a savings account.

Pro: High liquidity and stability, with returns often exceeding those of traditional savings accounts.

Con: Returns are lower than what could be potentially earned from higher-risk investments.

7. Dividend-paying stocks

Dividend-paying stocks are shares in companies that return a portion of their earnings to shareholders at regular intervals. Investing in these stocks provides the dual benefit of potential long-term capital growth and immediate income from dividends, which can be reinvested or used as passive income.

Pro: Offers income through dividends as well as potential for price appreciation.

Con: Dividend payments are not guaranteed and can be cut by the company in difficult times, posing a risk to income-dependent investors.

8. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. They offer investors regular income streams, diversification, and long-term capital appreciation potential. Investing in REITs is a way to gain exposure to real estate without having to buy, manage, or finance any properties yourself.

Pro: Provides regular income through dividends, potential for capital growth, and is more liquid than direct real estate investments.

Con: Subject to real estate market fluctuations, which can affect dividend payments and investment value.

9. Index funds

Annuities are financial products sold by insurance companies that promise to pay out a fixed stream of payments to the holder at a later date, often during retirement. This investment is well-suited for individuals seeking predictable, long-term income streams, making it an attractive option for those prioritizing financial security in their later years.

Pro: Low cost and diversified exposure to a wide segment of the market.

Con: No control over specific investments and a tendency for market-cap weighting to disproportionately favor larger companies.

10. Annuities

Infrastructure funds invest in public works like roads, bridges, and utilities. These investments often provide stable, long-term returns derived from the operation or leasing of these assets.

Pro: Offers a guaranteed income source, providing financial stability and peace of mind during retirement.

Con: Typically involves long-term commitment and can have complex fee structures and terms that might affect overall returns.

Crafting your 2024 financial path

This guide has outlined options that are traditionally viewed as lower in risk, yet the ultimate choice hinges on your unique financial landscape and how you define security and growth within it. It’s crucial to remember that risk is a personal measure. What constitutes a safe haven for one investor might be a stretch for another, depending on individual risk tolerance, financial goals, and the time horizon for those goals.

At Mintos, we understand the diverse needs of investors, which is why we offer a wide array of investment products designed to cater to all levels of risk tolerance. Whether you’re drawn to the Loans, Fractional Bonds, or ETFs, we’re here to support your financial journey towards growth and stability.


This is a marketing communication and in no way should be viewed as investment research, advice, or recommendation to invest. The value of your investment can go up as well as down. Past performance of financial instruments does not guarantee future returns. Investing in financial instruments involves risk; before investing, consider your knowledge, experience, financial situation, and investment objectives.

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